hand with publications

Publications written by Tony Bray and Tessa Simpson


A Manager's First 100 Days

"Ideal for any new manager to use in the initial stages of their role."

"This toolkit has the advantage of being able to be used immediately."

CIPD independent reviewers.

Published by CIPD July 2006. Number 1 best seller.



The toolkit will help you get your new managers up to speed and delivering value to your organisation as quickly as possible.

It will enable you to deliver a self-managed programme for every new manager in your organisation ensuring that they are equipped to deal with the new challenges a managment role throws at them. By supplying this programme in the new manager's first 100 days you will reduce mistakes, instil good habits, lower stress, and improve performance.

Secondly, by helping new managers when they eed help most, you will be able to impress upon them the importance of People Management and Development and the value of your advice.

The Training Design Manual

Published April 2006 by Kogan Page.

Also available in Chinese and Arabic. Published in USA

Second edition published June 2009



'Packed with useful hints and strategies...all of the sections that one would expect are covered, along with one or two that one might not have expected, such as diversity of e-learning...takes a logical flow through the design process.'

Training Journal.

"Accompanied by promises of being a one stop reference manual for planning and deisgning a course. And author Tony Bray is a man of his word....the author is to be applauded for covering a wide range of activities in a very acessible manner.

Training and Coaching Today


No matter how training is delivered, at some stage someone will have had to sit down and plan what will be done, the order it's to be done in and exactly how it's to be delivered. This workbook and CD-Rom provides a one-stop reference manual to designing and delivering a successful training course.

Written in a practical and user-friendly style, this publication provides both the theory and practical exercises and guides the reader through the total design process from start to finish. Activity sections are included requiring readers to complete specific tasks which build towards a complete course design.

train the trainer

Published April 2007 by CIPD



If you are new to delivering training and need to quickly learn the basics, or are an experienced trainer who wants to improve their delivery, then "Train the trainer" is for you.

This tookkit will support you through every aspect of delivering a programme, bringing together all the key skills that will enable youto quickly function as an effective trainer, even if you've never done it before.

The explanatory user's notes and adaptable tools also make it easy to run this as a train-the-trainer programme, or to brush up your own skills. With the hundreds of practical ideas and tools you will soon see the difference in the way your deliver training and enhanced results from your training programmes.

The Selection Maze

A complete guide to recruitment selection processes. Management Books 2000.

e-learning for competitive advantage

The complete guide to designing e-learning and blended learning. Thorogood.

Audio CDs


A complete guide to the skills involved in successful networking. Journey Learning.

Trainer Packs

Successful Events: the organiser's complete toolkit

A complete guide to planning and managing a successful conference or other event. Fenman.

Successful networking

A collection of tools and techniques to build the confidence of everyone in this vital skill. Fenman.

Training that sticks!

50 stimulating ways to use Post-it Notes. Fenman.

30 training sessions for effective meetings

A collection of highly effective training sessions for improving meetings skills. Gower.

Delegation skills

26 superb activities for developing effective delegation skills in the company. Fenman.

The trainer's quality pack

23 training sessions designed to help a company develop quality awareness. Fenman.

The customer care pack

20 training sessions for improving customer care within a company. Fenman.

Continuous improvement - a team leader's toolkit

28 high impact sessions to bring about continuous improvement in any organisation. Fenman.

Teams in action

22 training sessions for developing team skills. Fenman.

Team Repair Kit

A team leader's guide for designing and managing workshops to repair damaged team working. Fenman.

Winning teams

27 activities designed to transform a team into a real winning state of mind. Fenman.

Report writing made easy

A complete two-day course for developing report writing skills in a results-focused yet motivating way. Fenman.

Letter writing made easy

A self-contained two-day course in letter writing skills. Fenman.

How to Order

To order any of the titles above, please contact the publishers direct:


Journey Learning



Management Books 2000

